The Disney Sea Spectacle

To me, the most incredible aspect of Tokyo Disney Sea is the sheer levels of rich, immersive, finely articulated detail throughout the park that makes every view and angle a scenic masterpiece.  Even when different lands abut each other, they layer over each other to form connective and majestic vistas that are thoroughly enveloping.  This angle from Mediterranean Harbor, looking out over the water to Fortress Explorations, with Mysterious Island's Mount Prometheus in the background, is an excellent example. These are two different lands, and Fortress Explorations belongs to Mediterranean Harbor even though it's on the landmass of Mysterious Island. But they play off each other so well that everything looks like it's been around for hundreds of years--instead of just 2001.  What another sterling example of the grandeur of the Sea of Dreams!

Layers of scenery unfold from Mediterranean Harbor to Mysterious Island at Tokyo Disney Sea.


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