Inspector Rabbit

When Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin was redone in 2021, one of the move was to alter the appearance of Jessica Rabbit from her iconic buxom, evening gown-clad, hourglass figure to a more modestly dressed, trenchcoat-wearing private eye.  Naturally, many traditionalist fans were outraged by yet another Disney change for sake of political correctness / "wokeness."  Much in the same way that changes to update Disney attractions for modern times have upset some, Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin's retcon of Jessica Rabbit as a detective instead of a damsel in distress upset those who preferred that things stay the same.  But Walt Disney himself said that Disneyland would never be finished, implying that all things are subject to change.  At the end of the day, it's a fictional story getting a fictional alteration, and if that's a truly upsetting thing, then maybe it's a sign of fandom being taken too seriously.


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