The Menehune Bridge

At the Aulani Resort and Spa, there's a water play area for children called the Menehune Bridge that functions as an aquatic playground, offering them the chance to frolic and explore and, of course, get drenched.  The attraction is named after Hawaii's mythical menehune, small, dwarf or gnome-like creatures who are mischievous and playful--unless they're angered, wherein they can become a big pain!  They're also supposedly skilled craftsman who appear at night to build structural masterpieces.  But if they don't finish their work before sunrise, they leave what they've completed forever.  

Supposedly, the Menehune Bridge is the result of one of these incomplete efforts. And though the menehune are supposed to have disappeared from this creation, one might still find some evidence of these creatures (or representations of them) scattered around.  It's another way that the Aulani Resort has woven authentic and respectful culture into a beautiful, escapist hotel complex!


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