Mickey's Manic Metropolis

Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway is abound with numerous zany, fantastical, and totally bonkers scenes, perfectly bringing the wackiness of the Paul Rudish Mickey Mouse cartoons into three dimensional real life!  But one of my favorites is the emergence out into a busy metropolis, whirling with activity, and even literally rattling with the energy of the city. 

The scene with (Pegleg) Pete gleefully jackhammering in the street while everyone in the background jostles from the cacophony is fantastic.  Further on, the speedy downtown traffic in the background has a surprising amount of depth and looks and feels frenetic.  Donald Duck isn't too pleased about it, either--nor is he pleased by how this runaway train sequence of events has proceeded.  Visually, though, there's not much that better captures the unpredictability of Mickey's cartoon world!


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