Off-world guests who visit the planet of Batuu may initially find some of the local vernacular to be a little confusing. The locals often like to say things like "Bright suns!" or "Till the spire!" or "May the spires keep you" as part of their everyday speech. Fortunately, a little bit of time in this world allows the customary phrases to reveal their meanings (and guests can always ask a local to explain; they'll be happy to do so!). Here are a few commonly used phrases that will help guests blend in a little better among the citizens of Black Spire Outpost!
- "Bright suns!" - used as a greeting during the daytime
- "Dim suns!" - used sparingly as a greeting around sunset
- "Rising moons!" - used as a greeting during the evening
- "Til the spire!" - used as an informal goodbye, more in the way of "see you later"
- "May the spires keep you!" - used as a more formal goodbye
- "Good journey!" - used as the most informal form of goodbye
- "Only the ancients know!" - used to say "I don't know"
- "Ignite the spark!" - used as a secret greeting among Resistance members
- "Light the fire!" - the appropriate response to the phrase above
- "On planet" - refers to anything within Batuu
- "Off planet" - refers to anything outside of Batuu, i.e. the rest of Disneyland
The people around Batuu also refer to some commonplace nomenclature a little differently:
- hydrator (drinking fountain)
- refresher (restroom)
- youngling (child)
- data pad (smart phone / tablet)
- credits (cash / dollars)
- image scan (photograph)
There are probably more that I'm forgetting, but this should give you a bit of a Cliffs Notes on how to converse around Black Spire Outpost. Until then, til the spire!
One of Batuu's three bright suns shines over the spires around Black Spire Outpost. |
Golden hour in the streets of Black Spire Outpost. |
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