The Oasis Plaza

This month as seen mostly nighttime photos--and rainy ones at that! So lets mix things up and move our setting to the daytime side of things, without rain, and at a faraway locale distant from Southern California.  The result here?  A beautiful, blue sky scene from the most spectacular theme park in the world: Tokyo Disney Sea, where the level of detail and atmosphere is truly incredible and wildly convincing.  Each of the park's seven ports of call are vividly detailed and transport guests to lands of fantasy and romance, and the Arabian Coast in this instance is no difference.  A large part of this themed land winds through twisting and narrow passageways, but here, everything opens up in a large court that works well as a gathering area.  This is not unlike the urban planning of many Arabian developments, which have tight, organic streets that broaden to wide plazas where people come together.  Add to that the ornate architectural detailing and lush landscaping, and the park definitely presents a wanderlust of imagination!

A pristine day at the Arabian Coast at Tokyo Disney Sea.


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