Sunset from the Treehouse II

I have mentioned many times how much I love the view from the top of Tarzan's Treehouse, overlooking Frontierland, New Orleans Square, the Rivers of America, and Critter Country.  It's an angle that allows a glimpse at multiple E-Ticket attractions, and the elevated perspective is unique among the various frames designed into the guest experience. 

Last weekend, I had the fortune of being at the top of Tarzan's Treehouse during a particularly dramatic golden hour, where the sun provided a bit of a sunset look without actually setting.  As luck would have it, some clouds were passing in front of the sun in a manner that concealed it but allowed several rays to beam out in all directions.  The result was a heavenly scene captured above the Happiest Place on Earth--quite magnificent view, if I may say so myself!

Glorious sun beams radiate from behind a perfectly positioned cloud over Critter Country and New Orleans Square.


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