The Pirates of the Caribbean is currently under refurbishment to change up the old auction scene to be something a little more politically correct and less blatantly evocative of human trafficking. That controversial move (to quell what I guess was a controversy) has certainly inspired a range of reactions (actually, mostly disagreement among my broad audience of friends and companions), but I'm not dwelling on that today. Instead, I'm going to point out that when Pirates of under refurbishment, I can get a clean shot of the building an empty queue when I photograph it from Tarzan's Treehouse. I could get a fully clean photo without people in the walkways too, but that would require me to get up early enough to be first to the area right after the rope drops at park opening, and anyone who knows me personally knows that's not a likely feat! Alas, this is the closest I'll get. But at least there's a pretty sunset to go with it!
The sun casts a luminous aura on the front of Pirates of the Caribbean as it sets over the Haunted Mansion. |
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