Last year, I
covered the spring iteration Dapper Day, an informal Disney-condoned event where guests wishing to participate visit the parks dressed in a dashing, fancy, spruced up manner reminiscent of the mid-century Disney park renderings showing guests in their sophisticated Sunday finest. From a casually organized gathering a few years ago to a semi-sponsored event attracting tens of thousands of guests today (you won't see it on any Disney site, but Disney social media acknowledges it, and they've gained enough clout to be able to offer discounted Disney hotel packages with the blessing of the Resort), Dapper Day has really turned into a fun and fancy celebration.
This year, Dapper Day occurred under clouded skies and threat of rain all day, but that (and actual morning rain) didn't deter thousands of Disney aficionados from descending upon the resort in their most stylish wear. From the vintage to the Disney Bounding derivative (more on that in a future post), it seemed like everyone was dressed to be seen, but to also have fun and enjoy each other's company. Here are just a few snapshots from what some guests were wearing!
A huge Disney Bounding meet-up occurred at 3:30 in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle, and somehow, everyone organized themselves into a photographable throng. |
Dapper Day originally had its roots in dressing up in late 19th and early 20th century era fashion. |
But it is not exclusive to period pieces, and any sort of fashion will do. |
The day is an excuse for guests to indulge in their styles of choice, vintage or modern. |
The idea of dressing up in garb not just worn everyday gives the event a sense of importance, and of course, there's always the allure of escapism of bygone era fashion coupled with a theme park predicated on different worlds. |
For many, the event is a family affair, with kids getting involved as well. |
All sorts of fashions can be seen, some more ornate than others. |
Ultimately, the endgame is a sense of fun and role play, and that's why the event continues to grow. |
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