Angles of the Opera House

Main Street displays an especially nostalgic form of Americana around Independence Day, and last weekend, its proud red, white, and blue were nicely on display.  I mentioned a few days ago about how quiet the parks where over the weekend--a rarity from a general sense, let alone during a holiday.  Here are some more photos that capture the serenity in the parks.  Entering the park, I was able to snap several photos of the beautiful Main Street Opera House with hardly anyone in my frame.  On a stunningly beautiful day like this, I was practically in heaven.  The architecture was the leading star--and not was it the focal point... it was the only point!

Entering Main Street, U.S.A. and seeing the ornate Opera House on the east side of Town Square.

Standing straight, front, and center, looking head-on toward the Main Street Opera House.

This shot looking toward the east entry tunnel really showcases how not crowded Disneyland was this day!


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